Marshall jcm 2000 dsl 50 schematic design presentation
Marshall jcm 2000 dsl 50 schematic design presentation

marshall jcm 2000 dsl 50 schematic design presentation

Put a 390pf cap across R1 on the main circuit board (the one the tube sockets are on, this DOES affect ALL channels), and a 47pf cap across the lead channel volume pot - VR2 on the lead channel panel PCB (ONLY affects lead channel). This not only kills fizz in the preamp, it saves some headroom in the power amp and the power tubes break up more smoothly when they saturate. Use two silver mica capacitors to create a 12dB/octave low pass filter at around 7.5kHz, in the preamp. You can easily and cheaply get rid of this without making the amp sound dull. These amps have a reputation for being "fizzy" or "buzzy" in the lead channel. Perceived sonic change: large and immediately obvious A quick web search should yield whatever info you need here. The TSL (at least my 2005-made model) has bleeder resistors, so you can leave the amp unplugged for an hour and the caps will discharge themselves - but ALWAYS CHECK WITH A VOLTMETER before diving in. Before doing these mods, please be sure you know about the voltage hazard inside the amp from the supply caps. They are presented in the order I did them. All of them require some experience soldering components on PCBs. This post is Google bait, so that someone else won't have to do all the searching I did in researching these mods. If you are in the Philadelphia region and interested in having these or similar mods done inexpensively, please see Atomium Amplification.

Marshall jcm 2000 dsl 50 schematic design presentation